2023-03-22 • TODAY’S PICTURE
Turin • Italien
Inifrån och ut eller utifrån och in?
Ditt val av perspektiv kan vara skillnaden
mellan skratt och gråt
lycka eller olycka
fånge eller fri.
Turino • Italy
The door looms large, a threshold to transcend,
But which way to approach, where to begin?
From inside out, or outside in,
Our perspective shapes the world we’re in.
Laughing or crying, happiness or pain,
The way we see things can drive us insane,
Or free us from our self-imposed chains,
And bring us peace that forever remains.
So let us choose our vantage point with care,
And open our hearts to the beauty there,
For when we see with eyes of love and light,
All doors swing open, both day and night.
[ chat GPT ]