2006-10-06 • dagens bild • today’s picture
Stockholm • Sverige
Fredagkväll och tvättstugan.
Stockholm • Sweden
When men do the washing they usally do it with a color.
Or not?
greenwash |ˈgrēnˌwä sh; -ˌwô sh | |ˈgrinˌwɔʃ| |ˈgrinˌwɑʃ| (also greenwashing)
disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an
environmentally responsible public image : the recycling bins in the
cafeteria are just feeble examples of their corporate greenwash.
whitewash |ˈ(h)wītˌwä sh; -ˌwô sh | |ˌ(h)waɪtˈwɔʃ| |ˌ(h)waɪtˈwɑʃ| |ˌwʌɪtwɒʃ|
1 a solution of lime and water or of whiting, size, and water, used for painting walls white.
• (also whitewashing) a deliberate concealment of someone’s mistakes or
faults in order to clear their name.
2 a victory in a game in which the loser scores no points.
Estocolmo • Suecia
Por favor, leer en ingles hoy.
// danne