2006-05-01 • dagens bild • today’s picture
Guatemala city • Guatemala
Till syvene och sist så har vi det bra i Sverige. Lyxproblem som ”fan, det finns bara femhundringar i bankomaten” känns som överskådliga. Klicka på bilden om du vill se den större.
Guatemala city • Guatemala
I ask my self how it’s possible to break out from the prison of mind. Why? Well… how is it not possible to perceive your self as a part of the context you were raised in and probably now are living in? Once american, always american? Once danne, always danne? Once poor, always poor? So I ask again: What does it take to break out from the prison of mind? What does it take for us to see every human beings true potential? In everyone? Do you see it? Do you really see it in everyone? In your self to?
Guate • Guatemala
¿Cómo es posible cambiar una cultura cuando la cultura misma, es el razón porque necisitamos cambiarla?
¿Cómo es posible amarrar un barco al mar si no hay ni un embarcadero tampoco una ancla?
// danne